Conversation of  
Frequent Asked Questions with Renowned Activist, Meilech Teitelbaum

Good year Meilech.

Finally, we can sit together and exchange a few words. The fact that it was hard to reach you proves how maxed out your daily schedule is. (It is no secret what you are busy with...)

Your time is always valuable, and we appreciate you being ready to spend some time with us.

We’ll try not to keep you too long so you can return to your Avodas Hakodesh of helping Acheni Bnai Yisroel on many fronts. We’ll ask you now about an organization we know you are generously involved in and is close to your heart.

Let’s get straight to the point. Can you please introduce the organization Eizer L’bracha to the readers?

Good year to you. Eizer L'bracha is an organization that was established with one mission: to help our poor brethren in Eretz Yisroel become financially established. This is it more-less in one line.

How did you become involved in this project?

After years of being involved in helping with various issues going on in Eretz Yisroel and seeing from the close the sad situation, I determined that there must be a better way to help our brothers residing there.

That is when I joined a group of activists, advisors, and rabbinical authorities, and together we established this organization, that will not just distribute money, but will help individuals in debt become financially stable, and no longer be needy at all.

Wow, essential assistance!

I thank Hashem every day for giving me the zechus. This is the greatest form of tzedakah, as the pasuk says: בו והחזקת It is not that we solve the problem temporarily. We investigate to find the root of the problem and work to resolve that. Helping the poor effectively crawl out of poverty is the longest-lasting way to help them.

What do you mean by the root of the problem?

Many reasons can cause a person to be economically unsuccessful. Sometimes it’s the lack of maxing out the earnings, the lack of proper accounting, the expenses may be too high, and many times it is the accumulation of high debts. We believe and have experienced time and again, that with proper guidance and support, everyone can be responsible for covering their family expenses.

How does it work, a man in need reaches out, now what?

Firstly, our trained consultants would sit down with him and go through all his financial details; his income, expenses, loans, plans, and so on. Typically, the individuals we deal with are so discouraged that just the act of sitting down together boosts them immensely.

Next, we would propose a custom plan that is realistic and doable for that specific person. Sometimes the strategy would include ideas on how to elevate his income, other times it would include ways to cut expenses, and other times it would include debt solutions. It all depends on the exact factors. The assumptions will be suggested after analyzing an in-depth accounting synopsis, composed by the professionals. We then have follow-up programs to review the progress and continue to follow until all debts are paid off and the person feels comfortable to go off on his own.

This seems to be sophisticated! Helping people wisely! The process seems understandable, can you describe what are the costs here?

There are obvious office expenses, such as rent, utilities, etc. which need to be paid to allow the operations to run flawlessly. There are more than operational costs, though. Since having prudent counselors is vital here, we choose true experts in the field and, of course, pay the price it comes with. Another major cost is the money we use as an incentive to drive cooperation.

For example, in one case, we made a sort of deal with the beneficiary that if he managed to bring in the amount discussed, we would give him the remainder so he could finish the month. That motivated him to come up with the discussed amount until, after a few months, he was able to earn the total needed to cover his monthly expenses. This technique is used to inspire cooperation throughout the process until one is finally able to manage alone. Also, for them not to fall back, we sometimes need to give money toward unexpected expenses, like appliance repair, before Yom Tov, etc.

What is the difference between when Eizer L’bracha gives them money to when someone else gives them?

Any money given surely helps buy food and other necessary goods. However, when it is given by advisors in the way of an incentive, or directly toward an expense, it does not only help technically but it’s also effective in the long run. It helps him acknowledge that he is the one responsible for covering his expenses and that we are here to help him make it possible.

It’s not like he is incapable and however much the people who’ll have mercy on him will give him, that’s how much he’ll have. It’s not like that. He is responsible and tries his best to do all he can and make his budget match. To help him on the way – we’re here. Ultimately, this method proved to lead to complete independence. This is especially true before heavier Yomim Tovim, such as Pesach, where individuals, instead of borrowing, etc., use the extra boost to remain ambitious and in control all year round.

Who is this organization for?

We are based in Eretz Yisroel and whoever in the land feels they could benefit from our services is welcome. Free of charge, of course.

All complicated matters are led and ruled by Daas Torah and rabbinical authority, so every Yid feels comfortable with the advice offered.

You mentioned earlier the sad situation there. In General, what would you say is the current, overall financial status of our brothers in Eretz Yisroel?

The poverty they face there is so high, literally unbelievable. Plenty, even the hardworking ones, cannot only not make ends meet, but cannot serve minimally nutritious meals to their growing families. Not to mention Shabbos and Yom Tov. The economy is low and the struggles are high. It is challenging for the breadwinner to focus alone and ensure that the maximum is coming out of his labor. The residents here, in NY, for the most part at least, cannot even relate to real hunger. There, however, hunger is not just in the books, sadly.

Incredible! You help people be able to help themselves, and actually save them from going to bed hungry and miserable!

Exactly. And it goes much deeper. We constantly hear back from the beneficiaries on the positive impact our programs had in all aspects of their lives. Before, they were so overwhelmed with money matters that it turned them down on all fronts, reflecting badly on their Shulem Bayis, Chinuch, and general Simchas Hachaim. For them, to have the true satisfaction of being clear with goals, having plans set, and healthy habits in place, makes them strive in all aspects of life. In many cases, it is a state of real Hatzalas Nefashas!

I see your logo has the name of R’ Shayala Kerestier on it. Can you share the reason?

An organization that is Leilu Nishmas of a Tzadik, especially one who dedicated his life to the same area as the organization acts on, continues to help from up there. He supports the sustenance of the organization and stands to the side of all donors.

Have you ever witnessed a Yeshuah when one donated to this cause?

Oh, plenty. We keep on hearing miraculous stories. One happened here, in NY, in the Shomer Shabbos Shul in Boro Park. It was with an elderly bucher, who promised to give $1,000 if he found his bashert within the next 30 days. And, yes, on the thirtieth day, he called to fulfill his pledge and share the news! He was finally engaged! We keep on beholding stories like these, where people see Yeshuas in all parts of their lives after donating. Tzedakah has always been our well-used method throughout the years…

To sum it up in one word: What would you say makes Eizer L’bracha stand out among the many available help for our brothers in Eretz Yisroel?

A donation that comes into this organization will not just help the poor in the contributed amount. It goes much further; it becomes a part of permanent assistance. Every dollar here buys more than what can be bought with just dollars.

Before we finish, where can someone give over the name of a possible beneficiary?

He can reach our office by phone at 02-502-93-92, by email at, or in person at 1 רח' יצחק בלזר, in Jerusalem.

We thank you for your time and wish you loads of hatzlacha in all your endeavors.
